Monday 5 August 2013

My Fear of Commitment in a Relationship

Commitment to some of us is such a huge and ugly word. Do some of us know what it truly means? Well I can tell you, that it means that it’s a pledge, or a promise, or engaging in oneself. But when thought through, it depends on the situation. Commitment to me can be always being there for my kids, family and yes, some friends too. For millions of us, the fear of commitment in a relationship is such an emotional feeling. It doesn't have to relate to our children, our family, or our friends. Commitment in a relationship is the mind, soul, body and feelings. 

I can be committed to my family and friends at any given time, day or night. But downright, when it comes to a relationship, I will freak. When it comes to dating, or even the thought of falling in love, I run the other direction, as in the Movie, "Run Away Bride". My fear of that word just freaks me to no end. I see too many relationships and marriages ending in divorce and calling it quits. Continue...
Millions of us go through the fear of commitment. Not just myself, but as men do, us women do too, surprisingly. Though I'm sure not a lot of women fear commitment as I do, we are out there. I never expected myself to be so afraid of such a simple word in my life until I became matured enough for a relationship. Back when I was a teenager, it was everything. I wanted to fall in love alongside that commitment from that one man to be with me forever. Life went on and I kept trying to find that one place in my heart. One man who would be committed to me.
The fear of love, commitment, and romance itself generally is not in my vocabulary these days. Commitment is a big word. It's a serious word, and meaningful too. It's taken to heart to a lot of people. Break that, and you hurt that person, not just yourself. If you can't commit to a person, you're not ready to move on to the next step in a relationship, or to move forward. Most of you can't commit to another, or move on to that next step. Some of us break that trust, and break the heart of others. For others, it's the fear completely of just being in a committed relationship. Not seeing anyone else, not dating anyone else but that one person is a commitment. If you're in love, there's nothing wrong with it. If you have doubts about yourself, as per say, myself, or fear, you need to reconsider your circumstances.
Commitment is something you shouldn't take lightly or jokingly. You'll just know when you're ready to commit to that one true special person. For a lot of us, it's the fear of being hurt, the fear of being rejected or the fear of being hurt again by our former past. Sometimes that commitment can haunt us for a long time. For me, I think I have overcome my fear and into a flourishing relationship. For some people, commitment is something that will come naturally. But millions of us are just too fearful of that little word.....commitment.

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