Saturday 21 September 2013

Making your relationship to be romantic

A romantic relationship is what everyone thinks about but it is usually achieved by only a few. The problem may stem from not knowing what to do, sheer ignorance or full time neglect of a partner. Below are ten subtle ways that you can do with and for your partner to bring a little more romance into your relationship.

1. Make your partner feel special by bringing him or her a cup of coffee or morning breakfast in the morning while he or she still in bed. The kindness is always returned as the partner will feel cherished and loved by you. Continue...

2. Spend at least 10 secs in hugging and kissing when you first meet after the day's work. It makes for a deep connection for the rest of the day. Also remember to touch your partner affectionately throughout the day, not just when you want to be romantic.

3. Plan outings. Get a room at a hotel or anywhere. Develop the desire to be together in this way. It adds a sparkle of life to your romance life.

4. As much as it lies in your power, take time out to give your partner 100% of your attention when they want to talk to you. Put down the remote control or whatever you're reading, face your partner and say "What would you like to talk about?" It will make your partner feel loved and important to you.

5. Be appreciative at all times. Don't always think they should know. Speak out and tell your partner that they look wonderful, beautiful, sexy or great. We all have doubts about our looks and hearing that we are attractive to our partners is a very important part of creating a romantic relationship.

6. Communication is the basis for everything in romance. When you are leaving your house in the morning, always remember to tell your partner that you are looking forward to seeing them when you return. Never leave the house without acknowledging your partner or saying, "I love you."

7. When next you are shopping alone, get a couple of little "surprise gifts" for your partner. The next time he or she is feeling down, give them one of the gifts. This is a wonderful and uplifting act of love and it will be remembered for a very long time.

8. If your partner is having a rough day offer to take them out or make dinner for them. If they are the one usually doing the cooking this will be a welcome change and a sign of your appreciation. If they are experiencing stress at work, it will be a great way for them to unwind from a tough day.

9. Be spontaneous and rent a convertible and kidnap your partner for a drive up the coast for lunch or dinner. This is a wonderfully romantic and very simple thing to do. If you want to be a little more extravagant, you can choose to spend the night at a Bed and Breakfast and drive home the next day.

10. This one is terribly romantic, so don't try it unless you're ready for a passionate evening. Get your partner two or more roses. Take one of them and pull off the petals. Drop the petals on the floor leading to the bedroom and place several petals on the bed. Put the other roses in a vase on the nightstand. Light some candles, that is, if your partner is not allergic to candles. Spray some nice perfume in the room. Your partner will never forget your thoughtfulness.

Don't try to do everything on this list in the same weekend, one a month is plenty. These ideas are just a little help to get you started. Once you get going, more ideas will come to you on their own.
Even if you think your ideas are silly, your partner will be thrilled that you took the time to do something loving for them. Remember, it's the thought that counts.


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